1.2 Intention is everything

1.2 Beneath it all intention is everything

No matter what your pattern is and your own psychology around it, I know that there’s a part of you that knows deep down inside that you really do deserve to have your needs tended to. I want you to stand in the centre of your being and notice what this feels like. Connect with the part of you that really knows beyond everything that you came here to love and be loved and that your needs actually do matter. Instead of then lowering your expectations, you might actually need to raise your expectations of how you’re treated. It’s right and good for you to have these needs. It’s not until you begin to connect with your own deeper needs and make them happen and treat yourself with respect, that you’re going to begin to weave a
very magnetic and alluring field around you and start to draw the possibility of love towards you without you having to run out and try and get it. When you right your relationship with yourself you’re going to start attracting people who have a different kind of love to give - those who actually have it to give and who are so much healthier in themselves.

And to do this you have to set a very clear intention.

Intention is everything.

The greatest lesson in manifesting what you want?

Be totally clear in your intention. As specific as possible in what you want. And then let the hell go of however or whatever you think needs to happen to make it happen. And then it will. Probably about the time you have accepted that it’s OK if it doesn’t happen or that you don’t really need that thing.

Case in point. I have a Camilla Caftan. Well actually I have 2, so lets say I have a Camilla collection. One November I wrote a Camilla on my list of things I would want “when” my business was flourishing and I could afford to treat myself. It was something I thought would be a luxurious treat. I spoke about it to one of my friends just once I am sure, and for my birthday in June the following year my beautiful friend’s all put in and gave me a voucher from the Camilla store in Perth. Manifested it right? I got the voucher in June, but didn’t ever seem to be in Perth long enough to get to the store. Until early December when my guy (manifested the shit out of him too!) and I were heading down south for a wedding. So we went and I tried on all the blue ones (because there are so many and they are all so beautiful and I thought if I just tried on the blue ones I wouldn’t get to confused). When I went to sort out payment of my magnificent caftan, there was some shuffling and helpful guy carrying the bags and such, and it wasn’t until we got in the car and were on the road I realised there were two caftans in the bag, both shades of blue. It pains me to admit that I thought perhaps an extra one had been put in my bag by mistake and I openly told my guy that “I don’t think I can tell anyone”. Cool moment when you basically admit you would steal a $600 caftan to the person who just brought it for you. Fortunately he just thought I was funny. So I very clearly stated my intention was to own a Camilla. In the end, it was probably not something I would have spent my money on (not yet, as there are still more important things I’m investing in to keep my home running – like air-conditioning and the mortgage – and my business going) but somehow I ended up with it anyway. And not just one, but two. Yet if in November a clairvoyant said, “Your friends will buy you one and your boyfriend (who did not exist yet) will get you another one on the same day as a surprise” I may have thought she was on crack. Truly. And I love them and feel truly blessed and cherished, but it’s almost as though I didn’t get them until it wasn’t this thing I was chasing.

Case in point 2. I have a committed boyfriend. Actually he’s my fiancée, and possibly now my husband (depending on when you are doing this)

In August 2014 I was 6 months into Gap Year. I was still reeling from the whole gross ending of my previous relationship and still a bit stunned about how shit I felt about that. I was not sure I wanted to “call in the one” but I signed up to do a program calling “Calling in the One” even though the name of the program wanted to make me vomit. I guess I signed up because of something else? Given the name, you’d think it would be the delivery of “The One” but I think it was actually the bit about not being so messed up by all the past that stuff that was appealing. If I sorted that and the direct result was delivery of “The One” I could probably cope with that, but if I at least felt better about that past stuff (lying, cheating, betraying not-the-one) then I’d be a much happier person. So I wrote down, very specifically, what “The One” would be like. At first it was more about what (or whom) he would not be like, but then I got clear that I really needed to focus on what I wanted first if I actually wanted to manifest it. I was pretty clear. And then I just got on with sorting out all the other stuff that needed sorting out (like my house, my business, my children, my friendships, me) and didn’t really think another thought about HOW this person would or could come into me life. A couple of times I thought perhaps I would have to try internet dating, but fortunately had the excuse of Gap Year as a way of NOT signing up. Because I REALLY, REALLY didn’t want to. I didn’t want to date at all actually. Ever. And guess what happened? The only person I had to date was him. And he pulled off the best ever 24 hour date day for my birthday and as far as epic dates go he has won. I won’t share all the specifics of what I asked for (in case you all realise how great he is and try to steal him) but at my most shallow I asked for someone with hair, good dental hygiene and generally had his shit together. Boom. He’s so much more than that, and that has very little to do with who I am. Except that who I am seems to be whom he likes. And I had to be her first so he could see her and know her and like her.

So that’s what I want you do. Right now, I don’t want you to know the details about the future relationship/job/life you want, but I want you to set an intention for it being different and amazing and magnificent in comparison to now.

I found this hard at first. I found it confronting. I’m using a guide from the (Calling in the One) course I did, because my own questions on this would probably help you avoid feeling into this, unlike the way her questions guided me.

Allow yourself to feel into your deepest desires about love and partnership and relationships and just breathe into that place you where your inner knowledge lives. If you’re not sure, just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and ask the questions one by one, writing down whatever it is that comes to you.

  • What do I most deeply desire to experience in love?
  • What do I most deeply desire to express in love?
  • What do I most deeply desire to create in love?
  • What do I most deeply desire to contribute to my ‘love’ and to others with this love?

Craft an intention using all the words.

Here’s an example.

My intention in love is that by the 1st June 2015 I will be in a fully committed relationship with a man sho is spectacular in himself – healthy, fun, funny, alive, driven, passionate, family oriented, an agent of growth who adores me and my life dreams, and loves my girls and wants to be guiding force in their future and a person who loves them. My intention is to attract a beautiful, kind man who is financially secure and stable, but generous of spirit and heart. A man who lights up a room but has eyes only for me. We’ll create a place of family and home, and a space to grow and contribute to the world through the things we create.

(Yes, I wrote this!! Yes, I got this!)

Now answer, what would you have to shift or let go of for this to happen?

The Gap Year Intensive - Module 1.2.pdf
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